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A Second Time

Sometimes it takes more than one sign from God before we really get the message. Years ago, when I was in my early twenties, I felt the Lord calling me to preach, but I did not feel that I was ready. I was insecure and felt inadequate, so I ignored the calling. Then, somehow, in my early thirties, the Lord came to me a second time, and I could not resist. I felt compelled to proclaim His Word and the rest is history. In Jonah 3:1 we find these words:

“Then the Lord spoke to Jonah a second time:”

There is no mention of Jonah’s unfaithfulness. At no point is there any acknowledgement of his disobedience or repentance. The only indication is that God’s continual pursuit had such an effect on him that he does go to Nineveh. This book tells the story of how Jonah was given a second chance. Thanks be unto God for never giving up on us and giving us not just a second chance, but a third, fourth and fifth chance. Thank God, that He is a God of second chances!