A Godly Person Set Apart
The title of yesterday’s devotion was, “God Honors Those Who Honor Him.” Today’s devotion is in that same spirit.What a wonderful assurance it is to know that not only will God honor those who honor Him, but He will hear and answer them that are set apart for service. He will grant His favor to those who really trust the Lord and follow His will and way. We cannot receive His favor when we are angry. Our hearts must be in tune with God. The Word of God compels us to offer the sacrifice of righteousness and put our trust in Him. In Psalm 4:3, we find these words:
“You can be sure of this: The Lord set apart the godly for himself. The Lord will answer when I call to Him.“
The psalmist is grateful to God and says with a loud voice that the Lord hears him when he calls upon Him. The psalmist has experienced heartache and pain, but he is confident that the love he has shown to the Lord has not been in vain. He has sought to be godly and expresses his deep commitment to the Lord. It is my fervent prayer that as you seek His will, you will know that He has set you apart. It is not that we are perfect; Romans 3:23 reminds us that, “for everyone has sinned; and we all fall short of God’s glorious standard.” However, God will hear and bless us when we call.